Near Death Experience

My Near Death Experience

It was December 2006 when I had a psychic impression of my own future which is rare for psychics. Most psychics that I have known personally can not read themselves, but that day in December I sure did. I felt an overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen that would change my life forever.

I remember telling my family "We are in for a rude awakening. A major change in our lives is coming." I did not have details at that point but by now in my forties I've learned to distinguish between psychic premonition and trust random thoughts.

January rolled around and it was a morning just like any other. I woke up with heartburn and a severe tightness in my chest. That quickly grew into horrible abdominal pain. My family knew the drill as I have had pancreatitis many times in the past. I got dressed and was rushed to the hospital emergency room where I remained for several weeks. Upon my arrival I was immediately given dilaudid which I am allergic to, but that was the least of my worries.

Soon after arriving at the hospital I developed double pneumonia. Now I had both pancreatitis and double pneumonia. Shortly after that I slipped into a coma. Doctors told my family that I was not going to make it and I should be flown to another hospital that specialized in pancreas issues because mine shrunk so much that they thought I needed a transplant.

Now comes the most beautiful thing that has ever happened or could happen to anyone. Suddenly I left my body and went into the most beautiful light that I have ever seen. I was still me but I did not feel the same. I had no more pain and everything was serene. The light embraced me and gave me the most comforting euphoric feeling that I have ever had. I realized that I was looking at the world in a new way and everything was fluorescent and brighter. There are more colors on the other side than there is here on earth. I felt as though this is where I was supposed to be. I felt as if I was home.

All of a sudden my mom appeared with my aunt who passed several years earlier. I felt so much love and understanding. For lack of a better expression my mom showed me how easy it was to get around. We almost instantly went to Las Vegas where I saw my brother in law gardening. I knew what clothing he was wearing and what he was doing in the garden. This was all validated by him when I came out of the coma. He told me that I was exactly right!

What seemed like a short time was really a few weeks. All I remember is my mom pushing me back into my body. I tried to resist because this was the most peaceful place that I have ever been, but she told me that I was not done here yet. I immediately woke up surrounded by my family and doctors. I officially had a near death experience.

I've been psychic my whole life but it has taken a lifetime to come to understand it the way that I do now. One good thing came out of this experience that I was able to take with me and that was the ability to see spirits clearer. My spirit guide, Carl is the source to all of my information.

A Calming Guided Meditation to Connect with Spirits


Stream my guided meditation on iTunes to help develop your mediumship abilities and connect with loved ones on the other side.

I recommend listening to this meditation with earphones on while laying in bed uninterrupted.

Stream it on iTunes
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